Program Info


Coaching Agreement


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To be successful, we all need help. No one can do it alone. MAKE PROGRESS NOW’S 'BOOT CAMP' STYLE COACHING for total personal and professional transformation will enable you to:


Find Your Direction

  • GET CLEAR about what you really want.

  • Make sure it is the RIGHT goal for you, for the RIGHT reasons, at the RIGHT time.

  • Align with your life purpose, define your mission and create your vision.

  • Get on the right track, because if you don’t know where you really want to go and why, it doesn’t matter how fast you get there.

Achieve Your Goals Faster and Easier

  • Create a "doable" plan.

  • Work your plan, smarter and faster.

  • Overcome obstacles, stay focused, and follow through with your commitment: "Over, Under, Around or Through... Whatever it Takes, I'll Do!"

Accelerate Your Personal & Professional Development

  • Strengthen your self-confidence

  • Improve your skills, install supportive habits

  • Improve your motivation and self-discipline

  • Be responsible and accountable...

  • In short, 'boot camp' style coaching will help you Increase Your Capacity to be, do and have whatever you really want.

Improve Your Health

  • Establish healthy habits, achieve ideal weight, reduce stress, & simplify your life.

  • Enjoy better health naturally, and be proactive (focus on prevention and wellness). Because if you don’t have your health, nothing else matters.






This holistic approach will make a world of difference. With Make Progress Now’s personalized TRANSFORMATION BOOT CAMP, you’ll benefit from professional coaching by having:


✓ Someone who helps you make sure you are pursuing the right goals at the right time, for the right reason. Someone who helps you define the target so you actually end up where you want to go. (Clear vision.)


✓ Someone who asks you the powerful questions you need to develop the right strategies, tactics, and action steps. (Doable Plan.)


✓ Someone who roots for your success. Someone you can trust to be there for you 100%. Someone who helps you become the powerful person you really are. (Support.)


✓ Someone who has compassion for your situation, but doesn’t let you “get away with” being less than who you really are or not getting what you really want. (Accountability.)


✓ More fun getting what you want a whole lot faster. (Enjoy the process.)






During your “Transformation Boot Camp” program, you will have access to a wide variety of resources and experience that go beyond run-of-the-mill coaching.


Each session will be laser-focused, hands-on, intense, and results-oriented: 100% geared towards directing you to take appropriate action and make progress immediately.


You’ll also have:

  • A coach who focuses you on the core issues that need to be addressed.

  • A consultant who guides you with suggestions and recommendations for finding the right choices for your situation.

  • A mentor who shares their experience, strength and wisdom.

  • A confidant who helps you to ‘get real’ and get honest while creating a container of safety.

  • A hands-on review and analysis of key indicators of your business or career, including sales & marketing, fixed and variable expenses, overhead, cash flow and more.

  • A hands-on review and analysis of key aspects of your life, including your mental, spiritual and physical health, relationships, finances, schedule (use of time), and your results.

  • Education regarding proven “best practices” and how to implement them.

  • Recommendations to a wealth of additional resources and referrals to third-party experts for additional help in other areas.

  • Email access outside of your coaching sessions.

  • An extra "emergency" coaching session once monthly if needed (Ultimate program only.)

'Boot-Camp' style coaching is available as a customized program (Ultimate, Regular or Lite - with 8, 4 or 2 single sessions per month) and with 3, 6 and 12 month contracts (with increasing discounts).  Coaching services are available at $150.00/session (or $295.00 for a double session) without a contract, or at a substantial savings with a program. 


See the Program Info Sheet for more info. 


NOTE: You must have an initial evaluation or consultation session before you will be accepted into a coaching program.  Call (562) 498-6800 to discuss your goals, your situation, and the option that would be right for you. 





Now that you are ready to start making progress toward getting what you really want, select the coaching program that is right for you and complete the coaching agreements form.

  1. Coaching Agreements Form

  2. Select to be billed monthly, or to pay in full (for additional discounts):




12 Month Commitment


Select Program:


Six Month Commitment


Select Program:


Three Month Commitment


Select Program:





12 Month Commitment


Select Program:


Six Month Commitment


Select Program:


Three Month Commitment


Select Program:



Congratulations on making the commitment to improving yourself and your situation.  You really can have virtually anything that you really want.  'Boot Camp' Style Total Transformation Coaching is the fastest way to turn your life around.



It's Your Life...  Why Not Live It To The Fullest?






  © 2006 - 2015 Make Progress Now

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